About me

I love doing hair. I hate being in the spotlight. So here are 7 quick things about me and the career that I chose and fell in love with:

1. I was born and raised in Saskatoon Saskatchewan. I am a Prairie girl through and through. There is nothing more calming to me than wide-open Prairie skies.

2. After graduating from Marvel College at the age of 20, I was fortunate enough to work in salons that not only encouraged continued education but made it mandatory! I attended classes in cities such as New York, Las Vegas, Vancouver, and of course, Saskatoon. That level of extended education continues throughout the next 23 years of hairstyling.

3. I love all aspects of hair styling, but I really enjoy colouring, and I specialize in blondes.

4. I am beyond blessed to have the most loving and supportive husband who has encouraged me right from the day that I applied to hair college. 13 years later, he supported me when I decided to leave the salon setting and work for myself out of our home in Martensville. I am thankful for his encouragement (and handyman skills!) every day.

5. I may be a little biased, but I have the two best sons in the world! They are the reason I left the big salon setting and took the leap to start my own business. I never have to miss a football or baseball game! I am their biggest fan.

6. People who know me exclusively in the salon setting are surprised at how introverted I am. When behind the chair, I am in my comfort zone. I am incredibly comfortable chatting anyone’s ear off! After work hours, I am content to chill. I am a homebody!

7. I can’t imagine doing anything else! I absolutely love my clients. I can’t believe my job is to visit with wonderful people all day while making them happy. I get so much joy in making my clients smile. I love being the person that they can confide in. I am blessed to be the person who they share their big moments with. I hear secrets nobody else hears. Some days I’m buckled over laughing. Some days my clients tell me things that make my jaw drop. Some days I’m holding back tears and getting hugs for support. Some days I am giving advice And other days I’m receiving advice.

To conclude my long-winded “7 quick things” about me, I love to do hair and make people feel great! It’s that simple.